5 Tips for Rep Retention

One positive result of the pandemic is that we are seeing a renewed interest in our industry, with more individuals signing up to represent your brands! Each new Rep who joins your business is an opportunity to reach more customers, sell more products, and grow your business exponentially. But, each new Rep is only as valuable as their intention to engage, promote, sell, and STAY!

Here are 5 tips to retain Reps longer-term, using tools available to you in the Freedom and Revolution platforms.

Tip #1: Make Enrollment and Renewal EASY

Each time a person has to take action to renew a membership, they consider whether or not to do so. Reduce the opportunities for a Rep to walk away by leveraging a digital SKU that automatically renews. Whether your renewal occurs monthly or annually, the AutoShip features in Freedom and Revolution allow you to configure the membership product that works for your business. Plus, the integrated AutoResponder templates allow for automated communication when AutoShip is upcoming, once processed successfully, or if there’s a declined payment.

Tip #2: Offer an immediate WELCOME to everyone who joins

Reps are more likely to stay with a company when they feel connected to the organization, the brand, and the members.  Offer a personalized welcome to every individual who joins, using AutoResponders with replaceable field tags. Add-ons such as a short welcome video from the owners are easy to set up and reinforce the culture and inclusion of your team.


Tip #3: Help them to get started right away (quick and easy)

The moment a Rep joins your organization is the peak of excitement about their new business. Capitalize on that enthusiasm by supporting immediate sales and marketing activities. Avoid distractions such as lengthy training activities or tools that are too complex to use intuitively. Immediately upon completion of enrollment, give them the links to their cart, and take them to their back office. Ensure that their back office is simple to use by hiding advanced tools from lower ranks. And leverage join-date-based AutoResponders to train them in bite-sized pieces of information when it’s most relevant to each individual.


Tip #4: Success in the first 30 days directly impacts retention on the back-end

Reps who experience early success in the business are more likely to stay than those who do not. Leverage the robust Bonus Engine to offer a Fast Start/Early Rewards program, incentivizing key behaviors in the first 30 days. Combined with AutoResponder templates that recognize milestones big and small, every new Rep will be set up for success and celebrated upon achieving it.

While our team is ready to help you understand how to use the Bonus Engine to achieve your Fast Start results, we do recommend having a strategy developed before starting the New Work ticket for this. You know your field best, and the intimate details of your compensation plan. For additional tips, check out this video from Jay Leisner, president of Sylvina Consulting and top compensation plan and direct selling expert.


Tip #5: Easily identify those at-risk of non-renewal and communicate with them

Proactive communication with Reps who have upcoming renewal dates can be the difference in retention vs churn. Within Revolution, the Downline Groups feature allow you to create data-driven groups, including those with or without a renewal order by date. Because your entire field falls under the primary account, viewing this Downline Group for Rep 1 will allow you to identify and connect with this group. Additionally, AutoResponder templates are available for automated communications for upcoming renewal dates, renewals completed successfully, and those with a declined card.

For questions and/or support in leveraging any of the tools mentioned in this article, reach out to Client Support.

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