April Release is the Week of 4/19/21

  • Updated Wishlist pages on the Shopping Cart to have a Rep DID association.
  • Enhancement made to Click to Add text in the cart. This will now be a Button to click in place of the current text link.
  • Enhanced usability of Revolution when looking at representatives and customer contact cards by including all functionality in one location. Contact Summary page items have been moved to the contact card and that page has been deprecated.
  • Enhanced customer shopping experience by creating a ‘guest’ checkout option that does not require the user to create a customer account.
  • Created new Promotion Code by User, allowing Promotion Codes to be created for individual Representatives and Customers.
  • Added a setting for Recently Viewed to the shopping cart.
  • Enhanced the Shopping cart to allow the client to set a default shipping method on a per country basis that will be used when there is not a ship method territory set for the entered address. This reduced the total number of Shipping Method Territory entries needed as the user will only create entries that differ from the default.
  • Enhanced Customer orders in Revolution that are associated to a party to show the party description and party ID.
  • Improved the Revolution user experience by making meeting links, such as Zoom, in calendar events clickable both on PC and mobile devices.
  • Added flexibility to the bulk translations download process in Freedom and ensured every translation key can be downloaded to the bulk translations file by selecting the appropriate area by creating an additional specified area and updating the page.
  • Updated shopping cart detail page additional option dropdowns configuration to remove pricing, translate override descriptions and wrap text if needed to ensure that selection is very clear for the user.
  • Updated the template for the Enrollment Completion page to include the button to redirect to Revolution.
  • Enhancements made to multiple widgets and reports in Revolution to show the last updated time and date from the specific module.
  • Enhanced the Shopping Cart Checkout Summary to include total credits applied (if any) and total GC applied (if any).
  • Enhanced the update order detail tracking quantity api to support ship method and 3rd party shipping code. Updated order tracking import AutoResponder to reflect the correct shipping carrier based on the tracking number.
  • Enhanced Commission report in Revolution with a setting to show Balance Forward, and Adjustments. These are shown in the Bonus Period, but are now an option to be shown on the standard commission reports.
  • Enhanced bonus types in Freedom to give the option to be taxable when the payout type is credits.
  • Created new settings to control the commission reporting start date and Rep Collection types shown in Revolution.
  • Enhanced TaxJar integration by implementing logging for support, updated caching calculations on the checkout page, support CSV export for missing transactions and handling refunds.
  • Enhanced existing product count promotion conditions in Freedom to determine whether or not child items are counted for the evaluation.
  • Created new setting to allow AutoShip address fields on Revolution (Rep) and My Account (Customer) to be shown and required based on configurations found in Freedom > Admin > Settings > Geographic > County.
  • Enhanced Onhand Count by Warehouse report in Freedom by adding new criteria that searches the beginning of Inventory product number.
  • Updated Orders to store Credits amounts in decimal format to prevent the need to convert values from integers to decimals when attempting to check out.
  • Updated shopping cart inventory image description for alternate text display on product\category listing pages.
  • Enhanced the Accounting section in Back Office to allow printing of the 1099 NEC.
  • Updated the shopping cart with the ability for shoppers to see their Gift Certificates and Balances upon log in instead of waiting to get to a checkout screen.
  • Created a new promotion for when there is an active AutoShip profile to apply a discount to the other if the Rep has an AutoShip Profile active or create one at the checkout process.
  • Created a new option in Back Office to expand the use of TaxID 1 information via Rep Type – Edit page.
  • Created a new search tool in the Shipping area to look up invoices by Order Date Range and/or Order Invoice number and generate them into a single PDF file for download.
  • Updated the AutoShip Period Type Territories to verify Territory restrictions in place.
  • Added quantity revalidation at checkout to ensure the item quantity does not exceed quantity restrictions.
  • Added a Volume Increment field on Volume Condition Type in Promotions to allow incremental evaluation of the field. The new condition criteria will evaluate every volume that matches the amount set when cumulative is enabled.
  • Enhanced Rank Type to be able to exclude specific Reps from the holding tank in Freedom.
  • Enhanced Back Office reporting by restricting data access based on Back Office user territory access.
  • Enhanced the balance forward functionality in Back Office by creating a setting to determine the number of months before balance forward adjustment type is considered expired.
  • Developed new Artifact Management report with Rep Country criteria in Freedom.
  • Enhanced Revolution dashboard Welcome widget to allow the use of Romanized Name based on language.
  • Included support for additional columns in the feature to import contacts from a CSV file in Revolution.  Columns added  Street 1   Street 2   City   State   Postal Code   Country   Company
  • Enhanced the reporting in Revolution to ensure all columns are recalculating totals upon each page load.
  • Optimized the search load time on the “Quick Search” Dashboard Widget in Revolution to display results within seconds.
  • Enhanced the sort order on an inventory item’s secondary categories to ensure proper sorting in the shopping cart.
  • Optimized the Inventory Relationship Groups functionality in the shopping cart ensuring that correct dropdowns appear when applicable, and avoiding any duplication of items.
  • Enhanced the Shopping Cart’s ability to consistency reflect the Currency Symbol and Display Prefix of a Currency during a user’s checkout experience.
  • Added time zone awareness to the configuration of price rows in Back Office.
  • Increased the usability of the Inventory Tag feature by allowing text-based tags to be translated to all active languages/Locales.
  • Credits that are applied manually from the reps dashboard in Freedom Back Office will now display a time stamp that includes the hour of the day.
  • Enhanced the New Contact Card on Revolution to control the output of the CV column to show as money ($) or whole number, or decimals.
  • Updated the shopping cart to allow a party selection to pop up even when a shopper presses enter in the “Enter the Party ID# here:” field at checkout.
  • Reduced the number of Shipping Method Territories entered for any given region by only requiring entries for the non-standard (override) options by adding a territory type to determine if you are including or excluding the location from the shipping method selected.
  • Extended the downline search capability of the Graphical Genealogy by adding the genealogy filter on look up.
  • Updated the Set Address page in the shopping cart to guard against whitespace input on City, County, and State fields for improved address validation.
  • Wishlists have been improved to show up to date information regarding expired items still listed.
  • Added additional translations for payment within Shopping Cart AutoShip edit menu.
  • Updated the handling of manual adjustments to support currency types correctly.
  • Updated the Relationship Group association to respect the parent image configurations.
  • Enhanced the list of available Leads displaying in Revolution by supporting all locales.
  • Updated the Payout Adjustments page to hide inactive options in the dialog to create/edit a new bonus adjustment for Reps.
  • Added functionality in the payment service to append the API name to User Name for RESTful API time stamp records.
  • Enhanced the Calendar event in Revolution to be able to view entire details of the calendar event when mouseover hover is used.
  • Updated the promotion action Discount Order Line to select the parent item first instead of child items.
  • Enhanced the AutoShip Edit Schedule and New Schedule pages for Reps and Customers to display dates in their locale/culture format.
  • Enhanced the Payment method within Party to allow use of tokenized processors.
  • Enhanced the format of the dates being passed to the Bonus drilldown report: bonus type to use the international standard of yyyy-mm-dd.
  • Added additional translations to the Shopping Cart AutoShip edit menu pages.
  • Updated Artifact upload page for broader browser compatibility.
  • Updated the Entered Orders Report in Back Office to include Country.
  • Updated the cart to get address settings using billing or shipping info. Added functionality to convert Postal Code settings to be territory aware. Postal Code can now be set to be required on a per territory basis.
  • Updated Tax Jar tax calculations in Party orders to allow the order status to transition from Entered status.
  • Updated the Customer account creation page to return a default country if no country flagged as active on Customer login page.
  • Enhanced the existing Top Reps by Retail Sales report in Back Office to show converted currency based on reps locale. This is displayed in the existing Retail Sales column.
  • Enhanced translations to support Party Terms based on Party Types.  Terms include:   Party   Party Plural   Booking   Booking Plural   Guest   Guest Plural   Hostess    Hostess Plural
  • Update made to Shipstation API to not send virtual items. Also orders containing only virtual items will not be sent to Shipstation
  • New Terms and Policy Area created to require ACH payment terms when using ACH during payment selection. This will show in Revolution Enrollment, Shopping Cart, Rep AutoShip New and Edit, and Customer AutoShip New and Edit.
  • Configured Rep commissions and bonuses to display only payout types per specific Rep.
  • Added an enhancement in the shipping research page to show the surcharge value.
  • Enhanced the AutoShip Add Item user interface in Freedom to ensure that values of zero are only saved when the previous value was non-zero.
  • Updated Back Up Credit Card logging in Freedom to update Autoship History report for multiple stored cards.
  • Updated the party detail page in Party to display volumes based on formatting settings.
  • Increased the data size to be able to handle larger sales numbers on the downline sales widget in Revolution.
  • Updated the Rep Payout amount to include the unpaid commission when commissions in the current month is balanced forward.
  • Enhanced the shopping cart by restricting the territory when displaying AutoShip selection. This ensures the summary page is adhering to the territory configurations on AutoShip Period Types in Back Office.
  • Fixed the export of customer manager report when there are columns with the same name due to translations.
  • The Payout process was optimized to ensure payout amount data does not lose the decimal point value during rounding in local payouts in Bonus.
  • Enhanced the shopping cart experience by ensuring the cart respects the price start and end date of products and not show items outside their date of availability.
  • Corrected the Remove button on inventory categories to allow the user to effectively remove items from categories.
  • Adjusted styling in the Shopping cart that caused product images to overlap over search results.
  • Updated the Save Organization History step in Freedom to ensure Bonus Commit always runs in expected timeframe.
  • Created an AutoResponder that will trigger an email where there is an AVS mismatch when the order is entered. This will alert the Company early enough, and allow the order to be pulled if needed before it ships.
  • Optimized the Tax Calculation process in Freedom to reduce the amount of repeated calls to the service driven tax engine.
  • Updated Revolution to not have the contact card pop up automatically, thus speeding up the page load time.
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