July Release is the Week of 7/12/21

  • Integrated & Certified Nuvei’s SafeCharge Payments platform.
  • Enhanced Commissions Report configuration to allow for adjusting the width of columns and to define whether or not a column shows a total in the grid.
  • Enhanced “New Order” Auto Responder to allow for a “Days Delay”, enabling Emails & Alerts to Reps based on a number of days after an Order is placed.
  • Extended the fields on “Revolution Alert SMS” Auto Responder Template to allow for more information to be sent as part of Text Notifications.
  • Extended “Revolution Message to Customer” Auto Responder Template to automatically pull in the Rep’s First Name & Last Name to show in the “From” of Emails they send through Revolution Messages.
  • Extended Graphical Genealogy to allow for moving up by more than a single level on each click; allowing for moving up 5, 10, or 25 levels up to more quickly review the genealogy.
  • Enhanced Freedom Bank to allow for usage of Credits on Orders & AutoShip in currencies other than the original currency by leveraging configured currency conversion rates.
  • Integrated into ZipLingo Communication platform.
  • Enhanced Translation Tool to support Language Collections in order to simplify translations of numerous locales with the same translations.
  • Enhanced Shopping Cart Address Entry to support address requirements as defined on the Country configuration.
  • Created Customer Creation & Customer Edit Webhooks that leverage a similar data structure as the existing Rep Create & Edit Webhooks.
  • Extended Rep Status Types to allow for disabling Email and Alert Notifications from Auto Responders based on the Status Type.
  • Created new “Cookie Notification” Terms and Policy Area for Shopping Cart 2.0 that allows for notification to users relating to usage of cookies.
  • Extended Enrollment to allow for passing in Country, Sponsor Rep ID and Rep Type to eliminate need for the “Ask Country” interface.
  • Extended Credits API to allow for returning of Credits Balance based on specific Credit Account.
  • Enhanced Revolution Dashboard Manager by replacing the existing HTML Editor on “Free Text Widgets” to support Chrome/Firefox/Safari.
  • Extended Revolution Mini Contact Card display for Customers to provide a link to “Edit Customer” if settings allow for this.
  • Created ability to configure Party to require Host Rewards to be applied before a Party can be closed in order to prevent closing a Party prior to redeeming Rewards.
  • Enhanced Revolution Commissions History to hide payouts that are for $0.00 in order to simplify display for clients performing daily payouts.
  • Integrated into CoinPayments Crypto Payments API.
  • Enhanced CMS Nexio Payment Processor to accept Webhook notifications that allow for authorized-only (pending) payments to later be captured and made official.
  • Enhnaced the Revolution AutoShip Inventory Add & Edit pages to load more quickly by selecting a category before the products load.
  • Integrated KOUNT Fraud detection system to Shopping Cart and Enrollment orders.
  • Enhanced Enrollment process when coming from Revolution as the sponsor to allow for paying for the new enrollment using their personal credit account.
  • Extended Corporate Back Office Security rights for Inventory to allow for more granular controls by Territory.
  • Implemented Auto Responder that will notify Sponsor of Declined Payment for Reps & Customers in their Downline.
  • Enhanced “Close Party” functionality within the Party Module to honor the “Allow Back Order” configuration within Inventory Items to behave the same way as Shopping Cart.
  • Enhanced Revolution News Articles to support multiple locales.
  • Enhanced Bulk Translations Download interface in Freedom to ensure all translations keys can be downloaded within the appropriate areas selected.
  • Enhanced Freedom Bank Withdrawal process by allowing configuration on the Payout Method to convert the currency in Freedom Bank Credit to that of the payout method during the withdrawal process on Revolution.
  • Enhanced configuration options to support JPMorgan CHASE NACHA format.
  • Extended Rep Status Types to allow for locking Reps out of Party, along with displaying configured lockout message.
  • Enhanced the balance forward functionality in Back Office by creating a setting to determine the number of months before balance forward adjustment type is considered expired.
  • Enhanced Import Manual Adjustment to support multiple adjustment type, countries and currency types in the upload file.
  • Enhanced Revolution Edit Profile interface to support Geographic Drilldowns for Countries, States, Cities and other data to ensure consistency throughout system.
  • Enhanced Inventory Sold By Date report to improve database performance when running for extremely large environments.
  • Created new APIs for Enrollment Inventory that use the LocaleID to ensure the proper translations for products can be utilized by external calls.
  • Implemented API to provide full Order/Shipping Details that can be leveraged by 3PL/Fulfillment integrations.
  • Enhanced Verb integration provider account to support a shared key that enables SSO from Revolution.
  • Enhnaced Promotions to allow for configuring a specific time that a Promotion will Start and End.
  • Implemented setting that allows for preventing of Password Reset emails when Host eVite Email is sent out when leveraging Customer Password Hashing.
  • Created new CSV Shipping File based on the UPS World Ship format.
  • Enhanced sorting of Commissions History in Revolution to show the most recently created bonus at the top of the list.
  • Enhanced Back Office Order “Edit Quantity” interface to support updating nexted child items up to five levels deep.
  • Enhanced configuration options to support Bank of America NACHA format.
  • Expanded ShipStation integration to support Gift Orders to display only the inventory item details without associated costs, along with the input Gift Message.
  • Improved the calculations used in the Sales Summary Report to more accurately reflect the total number of Zero and Non Zero Orders when accessing the report in the Reports department.
  • Enhanced Global Search in Back Office Home Page to allow for Rep # with hyphen to be searched.
  • Enhanced Sales Tax DataLink to include a duplicate tax record cleanup optimization process when update files are processed.
  • Enhanced Cart SSO functions to automatically combine items in a “guest cart” with existing saved items.
  • Enhanced “Autoship Credit Card Decline” Auto Responder to allow for the ability to “Copy Owning Rep” on the email.
  • Enhanced ShipStation integration for Party to allow for displaying of the Customer’s Name in addition to Billing & Shipping fields.
  • Improved the readability of the Credit Ledger description when using credits.
  • Enhanced Sales Summary Report in Freedom Back Office by creating a  Freedom Setting to allow Back Office Users the ability to hide the Credit Card Drill Down Data on the Sales Summary Report to promote diverse reporting on Payment Methods.
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