• Enhanced the customer experience by updating the “My Account” area to be responsive and view properly on mobile devices.
  • Enhanced Shopping Cart 2.0 Mobile & Tablet Views to show the categories in the “Filters” area to simplify the user experience.
  • Enhanced Back Office 2.0 Rep Search page to have ability to search by Date of Birth
  • Enhanced Rep Withholding commission to allow multiple withholding type based on Rep’s Taxation type in a given territory.
  • Enhanced the enrollment process to allow Reps to submit documents based on each countries’ requirements.
  • Enhanced Enrollment checkout page sort options to utilize inventory sort order.
  • Enhanced Cart 2.0 to allow for passing the MarketShow into the Cart, along with persisting the MarketShow to the Order once created.
  • Enhanced initial Cart 2.0 loading performance by combining static assets to reduce the number of files needed in order to render the initial Cart List page.
  • Optimized the Bonus Parameters page in Freedom Back Office to load more efficiently when large amounts of parameters exist.
  • Improved error reporting for Complimentary Order Import process to provide better visibility on the Orders that were unable to be created.
  • Enhanced the Back Office Genealogy Report to more effectively handle clients with large numbers of coding groups.
  • Enhanced Promotion Engine for Freedom Back Office to leverage the Order Date to identify promotion eligibility versus the Date Created of the Order.
  • Enhanced the AutoShip Add Item API to include the username in the audit trail.
  • Created ability for Reps to record the “Market” for Parties, along with Back Office reporting to view this data.
  • Enhanced the AutoShip Audit Trail to include the Customer’s name when viewing a Customer’s AutoShip Audit.
  • Optimized Commissions Report load times by approximately 15% in the Freedom Back Office and Revolution.
  • Resolved scenario in Cart 2.0 where Quick Add was not validating Inventory Quantity Options.
  • Resolved scenario in the Revolution “My Profile” page where the “Next Shipment” date was reporting on a Customer’s next shipment, versus the Rep’s.
  • Enhanced the Enrollment process to have improved error handling in the event that Shipping Method Territories are configured in an erroneous way.
  • Enhanced Back Office 2.0 Order Information Page to properly link to the Pack Slip Batch in scenarios where the Order is in Warehouse #1.
  • Enhanced Cart 2.0 to allow for validating stock levels of child items when displaying item availability.
  • Created new promotion conditions and actions to support exiting party rewards.  Created the ability to have 2 host orders on a party, one that will count towards party sales and one that will not count toward party sales thresholds.
  • Improved minimum name requirements when configuring new ship to addresses in Cart 2.0.
  • Freedom: The code for cache was improved preventing login errors from occurring
  • Enhanced the compensation reports in the Freedom back office to better report on Forced Ranks for Upline reps.

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