August 2019 Release Notes

  • Implemented new “Update Existing Addresses” page for when changing Reps’ addresses in BackOffice 2.0.
  • Implemented new “Personally Sponsored By Leg” page within Back Office 2.0.
  • Updated the Cart 2.0 “Address Selection” screen to always show the full address text in order to reduce clicks during Checkout.
  • Updated Back Office 2.0 Customer Search to display all Customers when viewing from a Rep’s Dashboard.
  • Updated Back Office 2.0 Rep Dashboard’s “Critical Notes” display to contain all critical notes on a particular account in a single scrollable display.
  • Created a process for sending audience specific App Push Notifications that can redirect the users to a specific location within the Shopping Cart or to the Revolution App.
  • Updated the Revolution header logo to link back to the Rep dashboard when clicked.
  • Enhanced the Commissions Reports views in Revolution to include contact card links for each person in the genealogy.
  • Optimized the Commissions Reports in Revolution to be able to export all columns.
  • Enhanced the Orders list page in Revolution to sort by selected column and then by order id.
  • Enhanced Rep search session functionality be ensuring search data is only retained for existing session and cleared on session exit.
  • Enhanced Credit functionality to award Volume based on individual Credit Account configurations.
  • Created two new Terms and Policy areas for AutoShip Inventory Collections that will display on the rep and customer AutoShip creation and edit pages.
  • Enhanced Translation options by adding additional translation keys in shopping cart and checkout.
  • Created a new autoresponder template Rep Renewal Notice – Email to Sponsor with the ability to designate if the email is sent to the sponsor or the upline and how many levels.
  • Created a new payout method type for NACHA that is rep country aware. Data from various account fields will pull from the Rep Country/Payout Method
  • Field specific fields rather than the rep level fields.
  • Created a setting that will allow the replicated site URLs to be validated against regex for special characters in order to provide an error message upon creating the URL within the enrollment, edit rep, and edit profile pages.
  • Enhanced Back Office 2.0 search pages to include the ability to search accented characters.
  • Updated JS Cart, Checkout and Enrollment for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level A Compliance.
  • Enhanced permissions in Revolution and created a new setting on rep enrollment to determine if they want their personal information to be hidden or masked.
  • Enhanced Shopping Cart Checkout experience to allow for Preferred Customer/AutoShip pricing on the initial Order provided they sign up for a future AutoShip.
  • Created new territory aware access rights in Back Office, enabling restricted access when creating or modifying the record of orders in another warehouse.
  • Enhanced Revolution App to allow Customers to login, providing access to their “My Account” section and Shopping Cart.
  • Implemented inline tokenization with the Global Payroll Gateway (GPG) credit card payment integration.
  • Optimized the Rank Progress widget in Revolution to improve search box stability and ensure correct data is returned.
  • Enhanced the Graphical Genealogy Pro report in Revolution to more accurately pull the requested information.
  • Optimized the sort order of Gift Certificates application to ensure those expiring soonest are applied first.
  • Enhanced Revolution Password Reset function by restricting cancelled Reps from resetting account password and notifying Rep that account was inactive.
  • Optimized mobile app functionality to be more intuitive when redirecting after clicks.
  • Enhanced the Edit Profile function in Revolution by updating the e-mail field to improve page stability when spaces are inserted at the beginning and end of e-mail address.
  • Updated the Enrollment form to remove placement selection and limit new representatives to Bottom Outside Legs only based on setting configuration.
  • Enhanced Party Reward Quantity Field page design elements for mobile-friendly navigation.
  • Enhanced the Pack Slip Batch Report page to be more efficient when loading previous batches.
  • Enhanced the Inventory Collections page to streamline the edit process and improve stability when there are many inventory items.
  • Updated Party Payments to always select the correct payment status type for party payments made via API.
  • Enhanced Translation options by creating additional translation keys in Shopping Cart.
  • Enhanced the “Report Something” option from the System Wide Help Menu to prevent errors when navigating from Back Office 2 pages.
  • Enhanced the report pulls in Revolution to more efficiently pull data from a given reps downline.
  • Enhanced Bonus based Revolution Reports by optimizing the reports to improve load times.
  • Added new sort order field to the Showcase Manager to control the order presentations that are shown in Revolution.
  • Improved performance of promotions conditions when configured to scan high volumes of past orders.
  • Reduced loading delays when viewing autoship profiles by decreasing data demands and improving the search criteria for the new BackOffice 2 rep Autoship Pages.
  • Enhanced the Artifacts System to automatically adjust a Rep’s taxation rules when a particular Artifact Type is approved.
  • Enhanced the Inline Cancellation and Rep Purge Process to include the option of moving customer orders that have not been in a bonus run to their new rep.
  • Enhanced Back Office Ordering to display current inventory counts and support “soft stock allocation” when inputting the Order.
  • Enhanced Revolution My Countries and Back Office Rep Country to show/edit payout specific information per country.
  • Updated the Inventory Collection Page to contain a field to designate a CC Account to associate for payment processing. If the order contains one of the items within this collection the entire order is submitted through the designated CC Account.
  • Added new AutoResponder to notify when the AutoShip process, Real-Time CC process, or Real-Time Tokenized Processes have completed successfully.
  • Created new Back Office security right that restricts Inventory Price Changes.
  • Created a Credit Transaction Ledger Report in Back Office that will allow the review of credit transactions for selected time periods for either reps, customers, or both and per credit account or all.
  • Updated the PDF Invoice engine to contain a {VATTaxRate} field tag option.
  • Updated Extranet and Revolution to communicate the frame height to one another better in order to reduce multiple scroll bars in mobile view.
  • Developed new fulfillment and ship Back Office interface which allows entering or scanning of inventory pack slip barcode to validate if the corrct items are picked from the warehouse.
  • Enhanced “Pay To Field” support for Reps that allows for setting different “Pay To” names for each country that a particular Rep is doing business in.
  • Enhanced Rep Country to set Rep’s active date to each enrolled country.
  • The Comp Order Upload process has been modified to function more efficiently and prevent unexpected confict and/or interruption.
  • Updated the process to clear out gift certificates stored in the database for the online order in question if the online order creation fails for any reason.
  • Improved Extranet Terms and Policies validation to ensure only reps who have agreed to Terms and Policies can access Extranet pages.
  • Enhanced Edit Rep page in BackOffice to respect the Freedom setting disallowing editing of Rep Join Date.
  • The “Save” and “Finish” functionality was improved to prevent multiple items from being added to an existing order through the Party Module via the Extranet when accidentally clicking the “Save” or “Finish” buttons multiple times.
  • Modified the Multiple Unit Pricing calculation validation to also run through deletion/removal process.
  • Optimized graphical downline holding tank placement process to handle multiple business centers.
  • Modified when the auto responder recipient is established to ensure communications are sent to a single recipient.
  • Enhanced Online Order creation API by adding Market Show validation to improve consistency when creating Freedom orders from online orders.
  • Optimized logon validation after successful password reset in Revolution to redirect user to Revolution login page.
  • Enhanced Party Module by updating the ‘Void Party’ function to ensure redirect back to Revolution.
  • Enhanced the OnlineAPI: CreateCustomerPasswordResetKey by extending the expiration date, mitigating expiration errors when customers reset passwords.
  • Enhanced Revolution responsive page display to ensure pages display only one scroll bar.
  • Translation key was created for Party module checkout page in Extranet.
  • The Shipping department page was updated to improve overall stability and prevent menus from resizing unexpectedly.
  • Enhanced mobile enrollment to prevent possible errors loading radio button selections.
  • Corrected the sorting of the inventory items displayed in the drop down of the autoship template edit page.
  • Enhanced Autoship Realtime Credit Card Processing page to ensure that primary CC account is displayed in the dropdown by default.
  • Enhanced Autoship Profile in Revolution to ensure accurate item pricing when editing Autoship Profiles in Revolution.
  • Enhanced delete inventory page to improve warning message handling when attempting to delete items that cannot be deleted.
  • Enhanced the Advanced Genealogy report in Revolution to ensure date filter is reflected in the report when a date range is selected.
  • Updated New Order page in BackOffice to improve Copy Shipping Address button functionality when there are multiple cities to choose from.
  • Enhanced ACH Prenote page file generation to improve stability when no payout method could be determined for an ACH Prenote file.
  • Enhanced logging for order time and date stamps to ensure orders are detected properly for bonus.
  • Updated the “Extranet – SSN Field Regular Expression Setting” to allow “No SSN Enforcement” to be used as a territory override.

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