April Release is the Week of 4/18/22

  • Rep locator has been enhance to retrieve reps more accurately when using a zip code.
  • Enhanced the existing promotion action “Credits to Sponsor/Referrer” to be able to reward percentage off.
  • Enhanced promotions by adding new criteria to allow the inclusion or exclusion of inventory items and collections within an AutoShip promotion.
  • Updated the Messaging functionality for Pro users to include messaging within all revolution reports that generate contact information, with the ability to select to send to specific persons or all.
  • Enhanced the report messaging system with template dropdown
  • Enhanced Revolution so that the top menu bar is static when scrolling on desktop and mobile view
  • Developed new functionality to generate Annual Tax Form in PDF format for Reps containing total annual earnings.
  • Increased functionality for Reps by adding a new “Free Text Bonus Widget” that allows for configuration of a particular Bonus Period by pulling any of the existing “Bonus Qualifications/Agents”.
  • Enhanced Renewal Process by creating a new notification in Revolution that will direct the user to a checkout page with the renewal item already selected for them.
  • Added Version 2 to AutoResponder Edit and Create page in Freedom to support new Notice delivery type configuration.
  • Created new Revolution widget templates to support externally hosted widgets using IFrame or Web Component configurations. Added a new Framed Pages setup in Admin > Revolution section to support configuration of framed pages using GUIDs.
  • The update to the Shopping Cart has removed the Language Menu Tool and now displays the Rep and Country dropdown tools
  • Enhanced the Autoresponder system by allowing multiple AR templates that utilize the same languages so that the Order Field tag works as intended.
  • Enhanced the Compensation Bonus Reports Builder Tool by expanding the Report Column to include a new “Credits Total Account Balance” column type.
  • Enhanced Rep Order – Email to Rep AR template type for email to be sent to Order shipping email address else Rep profile email address.
  • Enhanced the current Order Tracking Number Import Auto Responder Template and email to generate order details information based on the tracking number of each item to include child items and pictures.
  • One payment transaction for multiple orders without closing the Party.
  • Enhanced the existing Discount order line promotion action to be able to award a flat amount discount and split evenly on all line items on the order.
  • Enhanced the party type configurations to allow setting a minimum volume needed to not automatically close a party. Also added a new party type configuration to add the ability to limit the number of days from the original party date that the party date may be moved out.
  • Enhanced the Checkout screen to maintain subtotal for AutoShip orders throughout the Checkout process while using the Freedom Setting JSCART_SHOW_AUTOSHIP_PRICING .
  • For Product Specific Autoresponder templates, the “All Inventory” option has been added to the Inventory Collection section, allowing the Autoresponder to apply to all inventory collections.
  • Updated the code to that reserved the rep id numbers to not hold the numbers for non rep creation tasks.
  • Enhanced Revolution to support locking users out after a specified number of failed login attempts.  Also updated the back office rep dashboard to support unlocking the reps.
  • Developed new report that shows the number of Reps enrolled by rank.
  • Enhanced User Reports by providing a text field in the User Reports – Edit page to help clarify to the user, what the report does and possibly any bounds or limitations.
  • Enhanced report mass messaging feature with rank restrictions
  • Updated the Write Review button’s redirect link to ensure that it always redirects to the Create Account page.
  • Removed the Freedom Setting ARTIFACT_MANAGEMENT_MAX_SIZE_FILE in favor of having max Artifact upload sizes managed through the Artifact Types menu for more granular control of max upload limits.
  • Enhanced order import to support the Order Date entry.
  • Updated the button functions in shopping cart to ensure correct functionality when invalid value is entered in item quantity field.
  • Corrected date picker to support us-ZA culture both on display and save.
  • Enhanced the Inventory Items By Service Providers report to display quantity onHand at warehouse and displays the details of the inventory item when the item# link is clicked.
  • The Relationship Group items have been updated to support the Allow Backorders feature.
  • Added the correct permissions to the exported downline report
  • Enhanced terms and policies to have a configuration to require the user scrolls to the bottom of the text of the terms before selecting the checkbox to agree.
  • Enhanced Voided Orders By Void Date  report to add Voided By in the report output.
  • On Hand Counts By Warehouse report will now also pull inactive inventory items.
  • Enhanced Party Totals more visible on Revolution’s Party Details and Orders pages.
  • Enhanced the AutoShip profile creation in Back Office to prevent and alert users when a profile would be created without a selected payment method.
  • Process for personally sponsored reps has been updated to prevent delay in visibility in the Revolution Genealogy Reports.
  • Corrected logic used to open files stored in resource manager when those files contains special characters in their names so that an error no longer occurs.
  • Reconfigured the AutoResponder templates to ensure that they are not triggered at new Customer signup when only the enrollment item is purchased.
  • Enhanced logic from AutoShip to show all payment options regardless of the number of cc accounts available. Also added a message if no CC account is available.
  • Fixed RepEdit web hook configuration to include ShipState field.
  • Enhanced Rank Progress 2.0 widget to display non cash amounts.
  • Updated the Freedom Orders page to accurately calculate the Order Total after clearing promotions.
  • Fix images on the Cart List page to show the proper alt text.
  • Updated the order detail page in the party module to not recalculate shipping on posted orders.
  • Update Rep Reassignment to Sponsor Autoresponder to correctly use the sponsor’s locale when determining AR Template to use
  • When a rep achieves a new promotion their upline will now receive only one email of the designated AR type for the specific rank.
  • Added Back Office user restriction to bonus batch out page, pay adjustment page and delete committed bonus page.
  • Created a process on Cart, Enrollment and AutoShip to enter the shipping phone and have it validated.
  • Developed Order Unpost webhook and REST API version of miscellaneous fields.
  • Enhanced payment processing system wide by integrating with PayQuicker Spend Back to allow representatives to pay for new orders using funds they have received via payouts to PayQuicker.
  • Created a new interface in the back office for corporate to be able to add taxable adjustments to add to a reps 1099s. We will also have a back office report for corporate to view all of these adjustments. Created a new report in Revolution to show reps their year to date earnings that also include taxable adjustments that corporate has manually entered
  • Enhanced language options in Revolution during and after Login which allows Rep to select language without changing the profile’s preferred language
  • Enhance Revolution by creating a process for upline distributors to create and pay for orders of distributors in their downline.
  • Integrated Paycoiner API’s with BDT Payment processing to allow for paying with Digital Crypto Currency.
  • Integrated CoinPayments APIs with real-time credit card payment processing to allow paying with digital cryptocurrency from the Shopping cart.
  • Enhanced Order Posted Web hook to better account for Party Orders.
  • Enhanced Autoresponders to ensure the Sponsor and Placement Reps receive only one alert at new customer signup.
  • New expiration field for credits has been added to the inventory item level. Now can set expiration date for credits when an item gets purchases.     Moved the credits award and credit account field to the inventory item level. Now everything can be found and set in one location per item.
  • Simplified the process of viewing Revolution in different languages to support usability for both corporate staff and distributors.
  • Updated Shopping Cart checkout page with a new setting to determine if the payment area will show when the balance due is zero. Ensured that preorders could be processed and would create/save a token with NMI to be used on a future shipment when the original order has a zero balance.
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