April Support Corner

Welcome to our Support Corner! We include answers to the most frequently asked questions, along with the insights we receive from launching new clients, to ensure that you are aware of how to get the most out of your Freedom solution.

Below are the latest additions to our How Do I Q&A section for this month!

  • Make Items Available in the Enrollment Form – Learn the basic troubleshooting steps to determine why an item might not be appearing on your enrollment form and  the specific inventory price configurations required to display an item as an enrollment item!
    • Go to: System Wide Help > How Do I… > Enrollment and Signup > Make Items Available in the Enrollment Form
  • Make Items Available in the Shopping Cart – Learn the basic troubleshooting steps to determine why an item might not be appearing on your Shopping Cart and the specific inventory price configurations required to display an item as a Shopping Cart item!
    • Go to: System Wide Help > How Do I… > Inventory > Make Items Available in the Shopping Cart
  • Configuring Inventory By Country – When to configure inventory by Country and how to use it.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > How Do I… > Inventory > Configuring Inventory By Country
  • Using Multiple Currencies – Costs and features of Multiple Currency Support in Freedom. Verify how it works and what you need to know to configure it in Freedom.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > How Do I… > ByDesign > Using Multiple Currencies
  • ShipStation – How the ShipStation integration works and what are the configuration requirements.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > How Do I… > Integrations > (Shipping) ShipStation

Below are the latest additions to our How Do I videos section!

  • Upload Tracking Numbers –  Things to know for uploading tracking numbers properly.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > Training Video Archive > Shipping > Upload Tracking Numbers
  • Flat Rate Shipping – Different types of assigning flat rates for shipping and additional configurations.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > Training Video Archive > Shipping > Flat Rate Shipping

If you would like to know more about your system or have any questions, please contact Client Support at 813-253-2235 or email support@bydesign.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

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