Freedom Bulletins & Status Reports

Are you subscribed to our Monthly Newsletter?  Do you receive automatic daily status reports based on your open Support Tickets, or weekly New Work status reports?  You can easily subscribe yourself, or anyone in your organization to these reports through your Freedom Back Office.

If you are not getting these valuable reports, or need additional users to receive these, then log into your Freedom Back Office and navigate to:

Administration > Security > Users > “Select username” > User Rights > scroll down to bottom section titled Freedom Email Distribution Lists.

Choose “Yes” in the drop down next to each list that you want user to be active in. For the Support Status Inquiries, the dropdown lets you set what days you want to receive the email.

This is a great way to stay informed and up to date!

For additional help or questions, please contact ByDesign Support today,  813-253-2235 or

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