January Release is the Week of 1/24/22

  • Enhanced Autoresponder Template for “JoinDate Based” to support a “Minimum” and “Maximum” Rank, along with a “Minimum Days Later” in order to provide better flexibility.
  • Enhanced Promotion Action for “Award Credits” to now support an “Expiration Strategy” that can be configured, along with an Autoresponder Template to notify on upcoming Credit expirations.
  • Created new Revolution Dashboard Widget (“Free Text Bonus Widget”) that combines the power of a Free Text Widget with the data from a Comp Report, enabling significant flexibility in how the Comp Report data is displayed on the dashboard.
  • Enhanced the Order details pages in Revolution to include the orders email address.
  • Improved Inventory Tags to no longer require Territory settings to be enabled to display tags in the Shopping Cart.
  • Enhanced “Party Order Summary” view within Revolution to support generating a single invoice that contains all Party Orders.
  • Enhanced Shopping Cart Customer Creation to support creating Reps versus Customers behind the scenes.
  • Created new Promotion Condition for AutoShip Period Type to allow for more granularity when configuring promotions.
  • Enhanced AutoShip/Profile REST APIs to return the Product ID’s and Quantities in the AutoShip Profile.
  • Created new set of REST APIs to List/Modify/Adjust Gift Certificates.
  • Enhanced the Product Count Min/Max Promotion Condition to include items that issue credits; whereas previously these items were excluded from the Product Count.
  • Enhanced the Revolution Dashboard to support Google Analytics events from within Free Text Widgets.
  • Enhanced Packslip PDF Interface to support a new “OrderEmail” Field Tag that will include the Ship To Email in addition to the Customer/Rep email address.
  • Created functionality to allow for adding “Add On Items” to AutoShip Profiles through Freedom interface and API.
  • Enhanced “Advanced Filter” setting on Revolution Comp Reports to allow report criteria to default as initial page; versus the results grid.
  • Enhanced the Revolution Customer Manager Report to only update the “Last Order Date” column based on the Last Order for that owning Rep to prevent scenarios where Reps see a “Last Order Date” for a Customer’s Order that doesn’t belong to them.
  • Enhanced Freedom Bank to support depositing Credits based on a specific “Active Date” versus at the time of Bonus Commit.
  • Enhanced the Back Office “Sales by Inventory Collection” report to properly display quantities if the same item is on an order multiple times.
  • Enhanced Inventory Full Price List in Back Office to add a column for the “Party” flag on Inventory Prices.
  • Expanded the functionality of the Autoresponder template, type Autoship Profile Successfully Created – Reps – With AutoShip Details, to trigger on AutoShip profiles generated from Inventory AutoShip templates.
  • Enhanced Bag Summary to not wrap the Total column when activating additional Volume columns to display.
  • Optimized Compensation Engine to support significant depth straight-line genealogy structures.
  • Enhanced Party Module by separating the translation keys leveraged for the “Quick Add Item #” versus the label used in the Item List, enabling more granular translatability.
  • Simplified interface for re-sending AutoResponders from Back Office to make it easier to add additional options, along with better displaying the options that are currently available.
  • Enhanced validation of new ACH Payments to ensure proper data was input in order to prevent scenarios where Orders would have balance dues.
  • Optimized the process of adding multiple items to a host reward order in the party module to only calculate the tax once all items are added.
  • Enhanced Promotion Condition logic for “Has Active Autoship” to include Rep orders that were being excluded in specific scenarios.
  • Enhanced Sales by Country Report in Freedom Back Office to ensure display of Tax/Shipping/Handling in specific scenarios where they would not be included.
  • Enhanced Revolution AutoShip Edit interface to allow the “Edit Product” link to perform a SSO to a 3rd party URL based on a setting (REV_AUTOSHIP_EDITPRODUCT_OVERRIDEURL).
  • Enhanced Freedom Back Office Reports for Comp/Replacement Orders to include additional columns for Return/Original Order Totals, along with the Refund Type.
  • Enhanced Realtime Tax Integration to leverage a Freedom setting enables bypassing Tax API calls when performing a Comp Order.
  • Enhanced Revolution Volume Totals to allow for Export when viewing Leg Details.
  • Enhanced the party module to support inventory caps/control limits for reps and customers when placing an order in the Party Module.
  • Enhanced “Search Rep” feature on the Graphical Genealogy to show 50 results versus the 10 that was showing previously.
  • Adjusted the Freedom Setting HOLDING_TANK_ACCESS_BY_COMP_ATTRIBUTE to work with the Unilevel Placement Feature.
  • Resolved issue within the Back Office “Sales Summary” that caused certain types of Payout Adjustments to be excluded.
  • Enhanced the new Back Office Translation Tool to support HTML to ensure feature parity to the existing tool.
  • Enhanced My Customer Account Edit profile page to offer ability to  automatically update the Customers Shipping Address on their AutoShip Profile if they update Shipping address on profile.
  • Improved validation of Routing Numbers in the Payout Methods fields for both Back Office and Revolution to obey configured validation.
  • Updated Promotion Condition for “Consecutive AutoShip Orders” to consider multiple AutoShip Orders within the same month.
  • Improved handling of the Rank Achieved AutoResponder for Reps with multiple Business Centers.
  • Enhanced the Activity Timeline within the Revolution Contact Card to obey permissions.
  • Increased the width capacity to ensure order statuses are displayed fully.
  • Updated the edit rep page when changing the Pay To field under the Financial section to not cause the bank routing numbers (obsolete fields) to change in the Bank Info Section.
  • Improved the functionality of AutoShip creation when inactive inventory items have been selected.
  • Improved the functionality to remove special characters in Backoffice BillStreet1 Address field to prevent System Errors when trying to access Revolution.
  • Set upload attribute page to stay within current environment when upload has errors.
  • Enhance Coin Ppayments page to have cart branding.
  • Improved the branding of Revolution pages for all instances of “Revolution” to “Dash” when clicking in the News widget.
  • Updated the Payment frame on Checkout to ensure only one payment option box appears when viewed from a  Mobile Device.
  • Improved processing of promos with multiple items selected in the back office.
  • Corrected Shopping carts’ inclusion of associated tax category on landing page, detail page and in checkout.
  • Updated the rounding used on the order page in the back office to match the rounding used for the order processing.
  • Enhanced checkout process to support revised taxation totals where promotional items are added to the order on the checkout page and taxation is configured through Freedom.
  • Javascript error fixed when trying to view 1099’s Tax Form.    The fix has been rolled out to Adaptureclean, so that it can be flushed to Adapturedemo next week without affecting current Demo’s.
  • Updated the withdrawal requests to process the rejects from only pending requests.
  • Enhanced Freedom setting BO_ORDERS_SOA_NEWORDERS to improve the customer order process within BackOffice
  • Improved the functionality of the BackOffice setting (X2_AUTOSHIP_REPS_EDITITEMS_DAY_CONSTRAINT) to specify a number of days prior to a DateNextShip to disallow the product on a profile to be edited
  • The Payout Methods have been updated to use the Rep Country when checking for the Payout Methods to use.
  • Corrected behavior of predetermined locale settings for inventory tags to allow tags to display.
  • Enhanced the order summary section of the checkout page to ensure the summary makes mathematical sense after a promotion has been applied.
  • Successfully updated the Day Value Override configuration to be set at the proper AS Period Day.
  • The discount sub-total is now working as intended and calculating the correct numbers. Conflict with code between development and Wineshop.. worked to resolve and have an updated fix
  • Enhanced the client configuration wizard feature in Backoffice to prevent errors from prompting when utilizing feature in Chrome.
  • Enhanced AutoShip to be able to accept up to 3 credit card profiles per AutoShip profile for reps and customers.
  • Enhanced the AutoShip Inventory Add and Edit pages to load more quickly by selecting the category before product loads
  • New Link in Revolution to take Reps to the upgrade page.
  • Optimized the functionality of the ‘Go To Bottom Right/Left’ function of Graphical Genealogy in Revolution to more quickly find the location for the new Rep enrollment, and prevent future errors.
  • Updated Recent Signup API to more modern downline fetch procedure.
  • Enhanced the 1099 record process to ensure that old records are not included during a new batch out year.
  • Upgraded the shopping cart’s processor for Tax Exempt Check to enhance order performance.
  • Developer Notes: Enhanced Rapyd payment form in BO to include the message code and operation ID reference given by Rapyd when the payment fail. With this, the client can ask to Rapyd Support what is the reason of the failure.
  • Enhanced how checkout handles Gift certificates when the CC information is rejected and then corrected to keep both payments with the order.
  • In the Freedom BackOffice, Country names have been limited to a maximum length of 25 characters to prevent future errors as a result of Country names being too long.
  • Removed an unused option for Target Type when creating or modifying a promotion.
  • Updated the Avalara tax commit to have the correct configuration values.
  • Improved the process of deleting payouts (when needed) in several different scenarios.
  • Successfully updated the replicated site text to be transfer to the Revolution Profile Page.
  • New Helper Text has been added to the Inventory Collection Add or Edit pages clarifying only 11 items will be displayed.
  • Improved the Back Office Credit Ledger to display line items when the credit deposit is done via manual adjustments.
  • Updated the logic of the Purge Tool so there is no longer a constraint error when running the Tool under specific conditions.
  • Developed autoship pricing values to display in product detail page.
  • Enhanced the Referral Market Field on a Customer’s BackOffice, in Freedom, to prevent any errors ensuring the input field for referral name appears on all browsers.
  • Enhanced the Graphical Downline Limit to ensure the page loads successfully
  • Improved the functionality for Japan Reps to view Business Snapshots on Revolution.
  • Enhanced the Payout Methods SOA page to no longer display inactive Payout Method Types in the Payout Method drop down.
  • Optimized logic to include taxes in the Auto ship Price when checking “Add To Subscription” on the Shopping Cart for countries using inclusive taxation methods.
  • Successfully updated the Shopping Cart Checkout Page for Mobile iPhone Users displays properly during Checkout to allow the “Entering Payment Information” and “Address Information”.
  • The resolution of this behavior updated the Rank Progress Widget 2.0 to reflect without a shaded header “Test” and to display all Rank requirements are reflecting fully.
  • The AutoShip volume for the Genealogy reports in Extranet have been updated to reference the Rep type’s AutoShip configuration.
  • Resolved PDF Invoice Email field tag disregard Order billing email when either null or empty string.
  • Updated Party close page to properly total taxes in the summary.
  • Enhanced the AutoShip payment pages to select the proper AutoShip Credit Account
  • The resolution provided a update the Sub Total behavior after adding the “VIP Customer Enrollment” that now display properly.
  • Improved the Shopping Cart’s ability to recognize the country of a blind customer.
  • Update Date pickers on Promotion Condition configuration page to work more consistently.
  • The resolution to the behavior provided an update to ensure that the proper Credit Card Accounts are reflecting properly for Japan Rep’s  payment method on AutoShip Profiles.
  • Optimized shopping cart autoship creation on selection of period to assign correct period.
  • Reverted a change that was preventing exporting a different view for the Rank Status [New] report in Revolution.
  • Added JSONPropery Ignore if null to securityCode entity in LatamPayU request per PayU requirements. Rolled to both Prod and Zilis Sandbox.
  • Resolved the incorrect auto-assignment of Tracking Number on the fulfillment process and rectified the deletion of tracking number process by deleting both at order and order detail level.
  • Improved Vat and service driven taxes by eliminating the uncommitted and committed logic for internal tax engine.
  • Enhanced Extranet Autoship to ensure that only items that are flagged for Autoship appear as available items.
  • The update to the client’s production environment provides the  “Pay By Tokenized Payment” to count credits and CC as split payment and working properly.
  • The error happen when load section for “Related Image”, because the file name for the large image exceed max allowed.    Inventory table allow 1000chrs for small and large size.  The sql proc loading related items having size=50chars.    RESOLUTION:  Increase fields size for Small and Large images when get RelationShip groups in JSCart sql proc.
  • The Fixed Price Product Extended promotion action has been updated to prevent applying volume to child items on orders in the Freedom BackOffice.
  • For the Compensation Reports, duplicate Report Column Types have been removed and the correct column type is now able to retrieve necessary data successfully.
  • The Order API – AddLedgerEntry for Gift Certificates has been updated to honor the positive or negative sign of the given amount.
  • Enhanced the new order autoresponder to insure that correct subtotals are displayed.
  • Developer Notes: Trigger InventoryAudit fixed when evaluating coalesce(D.Weight,”) which is a numeric field  The Save function is now available for the affected items that were being inquired on.
  • Updated the Decline Payment Process to not insert a Note if the Customer ID or Rep ID are not found to prevent future errors
  • The resolution provided a update for menu tools to change to the particular language of the associated country.
  • The Shopping Cart’s Customer Signup page has been updated to maintain the selected country to prevent rapid reloading or failing to save the selected country.
  • Improved support for multiple BCs in Revolution alerts processing.
  • Resolved the bonus batch out deletion to show and execute All Batches only for users with access and batches selected for deletion.
  • When the freedom settings AND territory settings are configured to not show, the Shopping Cart won’t reflect the Customer Referring # field.
  • Resolved Autoship behavior to ensure that the editing of Autoship Profiles on Smartship in Revolution.
  • Provided resolution to update Revolution “Home Page” right side allowing it to be responsive and not be a blank space.
  • Updated the Terms and Conditions checkbox to be required to be checked when enrolling a new customer from Revolution.
  • Updated the order of actions triggered when processing an order in Party Module to show the correct result of processing the order when done.
  • Corrected the Order’s item detail column in the Backoffice by aligning the column to prevent overlapping on the order items detail.
  • Improved the coding required to generate information within Revolution Pro reporting.
  • Resolved the error on page when Back office Re-assign warehouse is executed.
  • Updated the Payout procedures to check if Payout Adjustments are Currency Aware to prevent future unpaid adjustments from being marked as paid.
  • Resolved the country and warehouse criteria of Comp/Replacement Order Back Office report.
  • Improved site alignment and social links to match in production environment as it does in staging.
  • Resolved the incorrect display of payment option in online enrollment check out page.
  • The update to resolve the jittery/glitchy movment behavior within the Shopping Cart when scrolling up and down the products, now smoothly does so in Firefox.
  • Provided update to the Alerts area within Revolution.
  • Added additional conditions in order to avoid redirects to “Browse or Login” page.
  • Enhanced revolution database to no longer send emails without host email being present.
  • Improved the procedure that displays Revolution Join Pack Report information for Pro users.
  • Updated bonus agent to work when no requirements are set for downline.
  • Fixed an issue with tax computation.
  • New Custom Progress Widget created. Widget will be able to proc from anything it will be the base for new future progress Widgets request.
  • The GroupOwnerDetailIDs for simplified return orders have been updated to be unique.
  • Added buttons to Resource Manager to ensure no functionality is lost on Mac due to right-clicking restrictions.
  • Updated the processes that involve deleting and generating Bonus reports to effectively delete the reports from the Bonus Report menu.
  • Updated the Iframe display to improve the scroll bar for hosted 3DS payments using Nexio when applied through Back Office.
  • The Mass Payout file Record IDs has been updated to used the last highest number plus one
  • Removed unnecessary refresh token to correct forced sign out behavior during cart search.
  • Make Host/Party validation more consistent between first checkout load and party selection.
  • Autoresponder type “Rep Bonus Amount – Alert to Rep” is now being calculated more efficiently when committing’s the bonus run.
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