Release v24.27


  • Enhanced Enrollment on Checkout 2.0 to support Gift Certificates and credits as a payment option, including for Customer to Rep upgrades.
  • Updated Enrollment when setting JSCART_CREATE_REP_INSTEAD_OF_CUSTOMER is in use, to ensure API CreateRepInstead functions properly.


  • Enhanced cart browsing with a new condition type (Bonus Agent (Boolean)) and increased the character limit in the description field.
  • Enhanced Checkout 2.0 to respect setting JS_CART_BAGSUMMARY_VOLUME1_DISPLAY, which allows for display of volume in cart, when Rep is checking out.
  • Enhanced cart browsing to return product images based on ‘Active’ flag, to avoid inactive images being returned for still active inventory items.


  • Updated the design of the My Withdrawals page in Revolution.
  • Corrected scrolling display issue on Revolution contact card in mobile view.
  • Enhanced Order Draft Revolution interface to correct display issues and ensure autocomplete functions on all devices for item input.

Freedom Backoffice 

  • Enhanced Incentive Tracker with additional qualifiers for Rank Maintenance, Product Specific Volume, Bonus by Bonus Type, Autoship Volume, Active Autoship (yes/no), and Points per Sponsored Rep.
  • Enhanced Incentive Tracker Reporting to include a TOTAL on drilldown report and to include a new Report with export of all Reps with Points/Achievement.
  • Created a new Freedom interface for cancelling Customers, directly from the Customers page.
  • Enhanced the Nuvei integration to support multiple/unique CC processing accounts based on Rep Types.
  • Enhanced artifacts with a new GET API to return artifact image and identifier types.
  • Enhanced Ziplingo integration to ensure Bonus API/Webhooks are triggered on all qualifying activity, to ensure consistent sending of messages, as expected.
  • Enhanced Promo Code List report to remove the max returned records from the underlying proc, ensuring all records are reported and pagination reflects accurate record counts.
  • Enhanced Rep and Customer order history in Freedom to include unofficial/voided orders.
  • Enhanced Rep Locator plug-in to ignore plus4 digits on zip codes, and return results based on the 5-digit zip code alone.
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