Last Release – Week of 7/11/2022


      • Integrated Coinpayments APIs with BDT bonus payouts to allow for Reps Bonus payouts with digital Crypto currency.
      • Added new webhooks for Product Creation and Product Edit, to trigger any time inventory is created or edited.
      • Created an API to add items directly to a cart after selecting on an external site (most often a wordpress site). Allows for browsing on external site, survey/quiz functionality to recommend products, etc.
      • Integrated Zendesk profile creation at Rep and Customer signup.
      • Enhanced Bonus webhooks  to use the new notification system, to ensure they are triggered accurately and consistently.
      • Created equivalent REST API’s for 3 Global Access API’s.
      • Created a new API to Get/Set the Misc fields on Autoship Profiles.
      • Enhanced the Customer Edit webhook to trigger when the SponsorRepDID is updated for a Customer.
      • Enhanced Ziplingo integration for easier activation (turnkey settings), add locale parameters to webhook, and add translation tools for opt-in preferences.
      • Updated  the Change Link REST API, to ensure the Binary leg position to work.
      • Created new webhook to trigger when AutoShip is activated or deactivated.
      • Updated ShipStation integration for party orders placed using Direct Ship Host or Direct Ship Rep distribution types.
      • Enhanced SendCloud integration to hide service endpoint shipping methods, find ShipperID that is not used across all clients, and to work correctly for non-US locales by forcing it to always format weight in en-us.
      • Enhanced Nuvei integration to leverage additional Alt. Payment Methods (APM): Klarna, SoFort and PayPal.
      • Added webhook integration to SAP, to pass full payload of data when an inventory item is updated.
      • Enhanced the Sovos integration by updating the functionality of calculating taxes when creating Return Orders in Backoffice, and reducing the run time to prevent an error.
      • Enhanced SendCloud integration to update Tracking Numbers without error, and to ensure ShipPhone format handles empty strings.
      • Enhanced the Ayden tokenized processor integration to work in conjunction with gift certificates.
      • Updated webhook functionality to account for multiple BC’s without triggering webhooks multiple times.
      • Enhanced the AutoshipExpired nightly process to more accurately set expiration dates using the ‘days before expiration’ field.
      • Enhanced API for returning volume to accurately apply previous comp plan versions to prior bonus periods.
      • Updated the webhook notification message format for Rep Signup, to ensure send occurs as expected.
      • Updated the RepInfo API to use RepID instead of RepDID.
      • Enhanced API call to accurately save shipping tax on orders.
      • Updated the Rep Profile API to add new fields (Password, Entity Type, Phone, Language).
      • Updated UnPost REST API to unpost Void Order similar to the Back Office experience.
      • Updated Rapyd payment processor integration to ensure it functions correctly with missing data element in response to payment requests, as opposed to presenting an error.
      • Updated Nexio integration to prevent an error when passing transaction details.
      • Updated Nuvei integration to remove grey box from checkout in the payment method section, and to return all required fields in API.
      • Updated the connection to Payoneer Signup API used in Revolution/Extranet to prevent future issues with Signup attempts once activated.
      • Enhanced the Nexio payment field to ignore special characters within the shipping/billing address.
      • Updated CheckoutSDK to consistently display the CLOSE button on the payment modal, discovered
      • Updated the way billing address is passed to NMI portal to ensure tokenization doesn’t fail.
      • Updated the Void Payment API call to mimic the Void button process, so it will not try to refund the credit card, just void the payment in Freedom.
      • Updated processor to include the missing field that is needed for tokenized payments in the cart checkout.
      • Updated the payment process to include the email address for the user to complete the payment process without error.


      • Added new AR Template for Guest Checkout (shopping without an Account).
      • Added new NOTICE delivery type to Autoresponders, allowing for a message to be delivered to the Home Page of Revolution.
      • Enhanced Customer Checkout Online Order AutoResponder with improved field tags and updated the formatting to ensure consistent display.
      • Enhanced Autoresponders so that all translations are reviewed in the body, and the Locale is considered when triggering and reporting. Also updated {ORDERTOTAL} field tag to use the order Locale instead of the Customer Locale.
      • Updated Support Ticket Modified and Support Ticket Assigned AutoResponders so that they properly send when set to use “ALL LOCALES”.
      • Updated the formatting of the Rep Order Email AR Template to properly display the line item replacement field tags
      • Developed a new way to process emails under the process config service, to allow the AR service to work on Azure.


      • Enhanced Autoship to ensure payment iframes display properly in Revolution.
      • Enhanced Autoship Process>Credit Card batch out payment step to allow creation of batch per currency (locale), and to ensure the process can be completed consistently without error.
      • Improved the logic of AutoShip Void Retry to no longer void orders which are paid and posted before an AutoShip run has occurred.
      • Enhanced Autoship period type selection to include additional option for X2_SHOPCART_ALLOW_AUTOSHIP_PERIOD_SELECTION, so that the Autoship NEXT ORDER date matches the actual date Autoship will be run (if not run daily).
      • Enhanced Shopping Cart to consistently allow the use of credit cards when a Customer is adding a new Autoship profile to their account.
      • Enhanced Autoship pages for Customers to ensure the correct vault ID is sent to the processor.
      • Updated the Rep Profile in Freedom Back office so that the Orders menu item no longer displays in error when the menu item is selected.
      • Updated Revolution to ensure Autoship profiles can be created successfully (without error) for all countries, including Singapore.
      • Enhanced the Revolution/Extranet payment edit page for Autoship profiles, to ensure credit cards can be updated successfully.



      • Enhanced Bonus payout with credits by updating the taxable column, to ensure they are flagged as taxable.
      • Updated Gift Card transfer to be aware of multiple Business Centers (BCs).
      • Updated the Gift Card AR Type to save the person (rep/customer) who placed the order onto the AR in the batch (and the batch history), allowing the AR to be displayed on the Rep Profile in Freedom.
      • Enhanced the credits ledger to include the historical balance to the running total, resulting in an accurate report of the balance.
      • Updated the Gift Certificate Expiration date to ignore the timestamp.  It will instead have the expiration date until the end of day and removed the timestamp from the Gift Certificates on the Shopping Cart Checkout page. Enhanced gift certificates to be time zone territory aware.
      • Enhanced Credits to ensure accurate HKD dollar conversion when Reps make a Credit Withdrawal request on Revolution.
      • Enhanced currency symbol in the gift certificates and credits input areas to be locale specific
      • Updated the Process Credits page to sort the payouts in descending order starting with the most recent.
      • Updated the nightly process to prevent the incorrect additional dollar when Credits are expired.
      • Enhanced the Gift Certificate values to recognize the decimal separator in multiple currencies (i.e. – a comma instead of a period)



      • Enhanced enrollment payment page with an option to display the payment area when the amount to be charged is zero, thus capturing the payment information for use on later orders.
      • Updated the Revolution/Extranet Edit Customer page to check for duplicate emails and return an error message if the email is found to already exist.
      • Enhanced the Rep Signup Terms report to properly capture the logging of agreements.
      • Linked the Customer to Rep upgrade process to the process used by the Freedom Setting CUSTOMERTOREP_MOVECUSTOMERTOTERMINATETREE in order to efficiently move Customer accounts that were upgraded to the Terminate Tree.
      • Updated translations on the Sponsor Information Page during Enrollment.
      • Enhanced Shopping on Enrollment to no longer need the Customer Flag check on wholesale pricing to display the Membership pricing in the shopping cart.
      • Updated the New Rep page Default Payout Method to show “Check” as the default, now allowing this to be the first among payout methods in the list.
      • Enhanced Rep Signup completion to replace ‘Close’ button with a message indicating the window may be closed (to align with modern browser functionality).
      • Updated Customer Creation page to consistently pull the correct Terms & Conditions localeID.


Freedom Back Office:

      • Enhanced the AutoResponder configuration functionality by adding Language Collections, to facilitate new market launches. One template can be used for all Locales of a given Language instead of needing individual templates for each.
      • Enhanced the credit system in Freedom by adding a new Bulk Upload process that allows for credits to be added to multiple Representative or Customer Accounts at one time. This new area includes a download tab to get a sample file and upload tab.
      • Enhanced BO2 settings to allow for stored preferences by territory. Users in each territory will experience Freedom based on configuration.
      • Enhanced Sandbox usage by adding the ability to upload key configurations from Sandbox to Prod, preventing the need to manually recreate those configurations.
      • Updated the source of the locale currency from the Bonus to the Payout.  Currency conversion happens during payout, so that is where the correct currency is located.
      • Updated the Sales Tax (Jurisdiction) w/Non Tax Sales reports with missing columns (Postal Code and Gross Sales).
      • Enhanced Back Office adjustment reports by adding currency type on report criteria.
      • Enhanced the Delete Committed Bonus page to include all payout batches generated from standard Batch out process and Pay Adjustment process.
      • Enhanced FDW/User Reports to accurately and consistently remove deleted reports.
      • Enhanced Orders page to display better in Chrome & Firefox.
      • Updated Freedom System Wide Help to include Wayroo Support.
      • Updated the functionality of the Bulk Configuration Management tool in Freedom, to prevent duplicated categories and improve overall performance.
      • Added translation keys for password reset pages for Freedom, Revolution and Cart.
      • Updated Revolution translate keys to account for Calendar, Leads, Organization Summary, Commissions Summary, and Customer Management pages.
      • Updated process used to display Shipping Methods translations on the Checkout 2.0 Page to show active translations based on the selected locale.
      • Enhanced Inventory by adding a new setting [BO_INV_RESELLFEATURES_IN_USE] which controls whether the two fields ‘MinResellPlace’ and ‘MinAdvertisePrice’ show on the edit/add inventory item or not. Added columns ‘MinResellPlace’ and ‘MinAdvertisePrice’ to the Inventory table.
      • Enhanced the 1099 process to automatically populate the “Pay to” field in the financial section of the Rep Edit page in Freedom, if left blank.
      • Updated the Shopping Cart checkout and payment processing to handle scenarios where a Rep ID and a Customer ID are the same, to prevent incorrect saved card from being suggested to pay for an order.
      • Corrected a stored proc that was incorrectly updating Customer Type to ‘unknown’.
      • Enhanced Inventory Start/End Date input to accept all Locale formats of date input (DD/MM/YYYY).
      • Updated the security user right – Inventory Department (Read/Reports) to honor visibility of ALL reports within Inventory Department > Reports menu to end users where this is enabled.
      • Enhanced Revolution Contacts(Leads) and Graphical Genealogy pages by adding translation keys necessary to ensure full understanding on these pages.
      • Enhanced Bulk Credit Upload process to remove the file from the pending list after successful upload is completed.
      • New Freedom Setting to Control the display of Translation Editor as an option for Freedom Users.
      • Updated Bonus Agent related translations to account when agents are changed enough for programming to warrant a translation change in wording and prevent duplication.
      • Updated the alignment of 3 name columns on both text and excel version of the SSN Verification file.
      • Enhanced Customer Search to prevent defaulting to BO1, when BO2 has already been selected for use.
      • Enhanced Rep and Customer profiles in Mexico to have a “Tax Payer Type” misc field, which is captured at enrollment.
      • Corrected issue causing the generation of corrupted menu files when a warehouse or a Comp Report is saved
      • Added Back Office user restriction to bonus batch out page, pay adjustment page and delete committed bonus page.
      • Reinforced the drilldown links (standard, combine, totals, subtotals) in the Bonus period report.
      • Enhanced the Edit Photo portion of BackOffice to ensure the entire page loads together.
      • Improved the functionality of the LocalesGlobal Translations Tool, to ensure translations can be removed once entered.
      • Improved the Freedom BO security users access and functionality when creating Return Orders, to ensure a consistent  experience acorss mutiple users.
      • Updated the Rank Types menu to be admin only, to reduce confusion on seeing partial information without access to adjust.
      • Improved the functionality of the Select All/De-Select All buttons on the Process Withdrawals report in Freedom Bank.
      • Improved the functionality when scrolling a Customers Order dashboard in Freedom that has more than 10 Orders.
      • Updated the Freedom Settings search to leverage dynamic SQL instead of a linked server, to prevent error when searching.
      • Updated the Description field for creating a new Permission Relationship to be editable.
      • Enhanced Reps by Country report to accurately and consistently display the Cell Phone field.
      • Updated reports menu to load properly even when a master page was not present behind the scenes.
      • Updated the Sales Volume by Country report to reference the correct report to display the Country specific volume.
      • Updated the Rep Search functionality by correcting the logic in Create to populate both Value and ValueMasked. If the type is not set to encrypted, both Value and ValueMasked are same, otherwise, Value will have Encrypted and ValueMasked will have Masked value.
      • Enhanced the translation key DARK_RED to properly translate Dark Red when selecting a Calendar color in Revolution.
      • Enhanced the Shipping Department menu to prevent possible loading errors with the Tracking and Administration dropdown display.
      • Updated the shipping method edit/create pages by adding language controls to allow clients to set up their own shipping methods and eliminate the developer work required when a 3pl has language restrictions.
      • Updated the barcode functionality in order number search at the Fulfillment process.
      • Enhanced cart, revolution, party, AutoShip and enrollment front-facing pages to hide the billing address fields via Freedom settings.
      • Updated download button on the packing slip redownload page in Freedom.
      • Enhanced Shipping Method Backoffice pages with improved error logging and currency parsing.
      • Updated filepath character length of Social Media Icons displayed on Replicated Sites.
      • Improved functionality to ensure that the EDITPROFILE_REPLICATEDTEXT setting would be taken into account when displaying the About Me section.
      • Enhanced TokenizedPayment fields by increasing max character length.
      • Updated the report export dropdowns in Freedom to fit the report page better when using Chrome.
      • Updated Freedom to ensure successful creation of withdrawal accounts without error.


      • Updated Freedom Back Office with a new ‘Add-on Items’ Report, to provide visibility for items added to autoship during checkout (via promotions).
      • Enhanced Inventory management in Freedom Back Office, by adding a new Global SKU functionality, allowing creation of multiple instances of a single SKU at once, for international use.
      • Enhanced Inventory>Import ItemWarehouse to support average weighted cost calculation in bulk. Enhanced Sold and Unsold by Warehouse report to include average weighted cost value.
      • Enhanced item ledger by logging average weighted cost changes.
      • Enhanced Inventory Timers to removed override country based on setting INVENTORY_BY_COUNTRY. Start times for inventory items now reflect start time based on time zone selection.
      • Enhanced Inventory Stock Alert AR to allow selection of inventory collections, instead of only selecting one SKU at a time.
      • Enhanced Inventory Cap Restrictions to provide deeper granularity, by adding selections for Rep Type and Customer Type.
      • Updated Freedom Back Office to prevent marking a report as a favorite when the master page is Inventory, since the menus rendered are inventory department menus and favorites are not rendered there.
      • Enhanced Inventory Snapshot edit form with an updated error handling message and made the message translatable.


      • Enhanced the PDF Invoice with a field tag to include MarketShow.
      • Updated tax calulation from API to ensure the tax is applied to each order correctly, to prevent a balance due when tax was already paid in the processor.
      • Updated the Rep Order Email AR template to add a reference to the LocalesGlobal for Payment Type Description based on the locale requeste (default is English (en-US)).
      • Enhanced the Gift Certificates History Report to display the OrderID in the “Last Modified By” column when it was present on the Gift Certificates Ledger record.
      • Enhanced the PDF Invoice to account for VAT calculation, by adding a tag for Total Price of the order including shipping but without tax.
      • Enhanced Freedom Back Office to prevent the miscalculation of tax amount on return orders.
      • Enhanced Sales by Ship-to Name and Address report to return accurate results consistently.
      • Enhanced inventory pricing to support 4 digit precision, preventing balance due due to rounding.
      • Enhanced Back Office Credit Card Accounts to be territory aware, so that only applicable accounts are displayed for each territory.
      • Enhanced the shipping method page to prevent incorrectly redirecting to an error page
      • Adjusted the width of the Order/Item detail grid in Freedom Back Office to ensure the values wrap in the fields and do not overlap with the next field.
      • Enhanced the functionality of column widths on the Projected AutoShip Volume by Leg widget used on Revolution.
      • Updated Payments to pass an empty string instead of null for a number of data points (including bill city).
      • Enhanced the Orders page to ensure columns align correct, making it easier to read.
      • Ensured manual payments entered for International orders can be posted without error.
      • Enhanced Sales Tax Report to display missing jurisdictions as [No County] or [No City], to ensure accurate and consistent functionality.


      • Enhanced the Party interface in Revolution to eliminate double scroll bars and land at the top of any page when proceeding to the next step (preventing a ‘blank page’ experience).
      • Added a reminder to the Party interface in Revolution if applying payment or closing a party without a promotion in the promotion log.
      • Enhanced the shopping cart to retain the Party ID association when returning to page after a failed payment attempt, and to ensure the ID field is hidden when the radio button to associate a party is set to NO.
      • Enhanced the Shopping Cart from clearing Rep sessions when a customer redirects to the Shopping Cart from a Party Link, preventing the Customer from losing the Party association.
      • Added translation key for username on the forgot password page in extranet/Revolution that is used for new party host logins.


      • Enhanced enrollment checkout page, to allow promo codes to be leveraged for Rep sign-up.
      • Added new Promotion Action (Rank)  to update the rank of an individual (Rep or Customer) when condition is met.
      • Added shopping cart promotion message to alert shopper if the free item entered is less than the allowed quantity.
      • Enhanced existing Past Earned Promotion condition to look back at past period in reference to current order.
      • Adjusted the promotion condition and action end date/time  from 12:00:00AM to 11:59:59PM so it covers the entire day.
      • Enhanced the existing Discount order line promotion action to be able to award a flat amount discount to an order, and to split evenly on all line items on the order.
      • Enhanced Join Date promotion condition with a new criteria to look at the enrollment order date instead of the Rep join date. Added option to define Join Date criteria as that of either the Rep or the Rep’s Sponsor.
      • Enhanced the Credits to Sponsor/Referrer promotion action to allow awarding credits to the Sponsor’s Sponsor (Upline).
      • Added Promotion Condition based on the Rep account billing country.
      • Enhanced Rep Rank Type promotion condition to be compatible with Autoship.
      • Improved the functionality when entering Promotional Codes on the payment page in the Shopping Cart, to account for all Promo Code Types.
      • Updated Group items within the shopping spree promotion to calculate taxes correctly by enhancing the tacCode logic.
      • Enhanced the credit expiration process to make sure credit expiration doesn’t ignore credits spent between the time the credit is created and the time the credit expires.


      • Enhanced Renewal Process by creating a new notification in Revolution that will direct the user to a checkout page with the renewal item all ready selected for them.
      • Enhanced Rep re-classification process to automatically remove direct deposit information and close any open parties.
      • Enhanced the Freedom setting AUTH_REPS_HASHING_ENABLED so that the Rep URL can be used to login to Revolution.
      • Updated New Rep creation page to check if placement is empty before creating the new rep record.
      • Enhanced Rep Profile page to use Javascript to ensure better performance and functionality while adding dependents.
      • Updated the retired setting ARTIFACT_MANAGEMENT_MAX_SIZE_FILE to prevent errors when attempting to add new artifacts.
      • Enhanced the Rep Profile Revolution Yes/No flag to say Yes only when Pro is purchased and not Lite.




      • Enhanced Revolution by adding an ‘Order Draft’ report to display all orders created and sent to Customer for payment.
      • Enhanced the Holding Tank to show Rep placement options for bottom left and right leg.. The update gives the end user a quicker Genealogy placement option while maintaining our existing manual entry option.
      • Enhanced the Graphical Genealogy (when viewing Binary genealogies) by adding a zoom feature, including an option to view the full genealogy.
      • Enhanced Revolution Messaging tool to provide templates for Rep Use when generating messages. Templates are created and managed in the Freedom Back Office.
      • Enhanced the Revolution Dashboard by adding a ‘center’ column placement, allowing for widgets that span the full width of the dashboard.
      • Enhanced the Customer Edit page to be mobile friendly.
      • Updated the 1099-MISC report to exclude balance forwards from the Total Earnings reports.
      • Enhanced the Commissions report in Revolution with a setting that will hide the currency symbol on the totals column.
      • Enhanced the Leads/Prospects list to ensure all contacts are listed consistently.
      • Enhanced the Contact Card to allow the NOTES section to be enabled or disabled from a Freedom Back Office setting.
      • Updated Comp Reports to allow for special characters (#) in column headers and footers without causing a load error on the report.
      • Updated Revolution to replace all links to the former Contact Page with links to the Contact Card. Contact page is being deprecated.
      • Updated the widget and report timestamps in Revolution to include time zones, helping the users to better understand when the information was last updated.
      • Enhanced Graphical Genealogy page in Revolution to include the Contact Card for individual Reps.
      • Enhanced the Customer Manager report in Revolution to include email and show the credits available for the customer. Also updated logic to ensure report saves consistently after editing.
      • Enhanced the Commissions View Statement and View projections pages to be mobile friendly.
      • Updated Revolution to allow Reps with large Customer listings to  view the Customer Records without timing out.
      • Release notes:
      • Enhanced Revolution reporting display of commission detail to correctly display decimal places according to the currency locale.
      • Updated the Downline Report page to prevent refreshing when a contact card is loaded.
      • Updated the geographic settings in Autoship Profiles to include missing Zip Code field.
      • Updated setting that controls the height of the boxes on the Graphical Downline so that it no longer affects the width of the boxes as well.
      • Enhanced the Graphical Genealogy menu structure to properly display ‘bottom left’ and ‘bottom right’ when applicable.
      • Enhanced the Downline Groups functionality in Revolution to ensure the show/hide functionality works accurately and consistently.
      • Updated Revolution Permissions Relationships to better handle multiple Business Centers.
      • Updated a bad sql parameter call on the New Order menu item, to prevent an error and allow the order to be started.
      • Enhanced order flow to account for cases where a Rep and Customer could have matching ID numbers, to prevent orders being placed under the wrong account.

Shopping Cart:

      • Enhanced Shopping Cart to allow customers to add an item to AutoShip while browsing and throughout checkout process.
      • Enhanced Shopping Cart to allow for a second cartID, allowing separate product browsing with unique branding and product selection.
      • Updated Shopping Cart to allow a Rep to start an order and then, at checkout, send an email to the Rep or Customer for payment.
      • Enhanced Checkout 1.5 with a new Order Summary box which persists throughout the checkout  process, providing the user their Tax, Shipping, and Order totals.
      • Added support for Korea specific address layout on checkout 1.5
      • Enhanced Customer to Rep upgrade functionality to remove the restriction preventing existing Reps from adding an enrollment item to their cart.
      • Updated Checkout 1.5 to ensure credit card icons display correctly.
      • Updated the shopping cart inventory filter to immediately update the product listing upon selecting the criteria.
      • Updated Checkout 2.0 to calculate VAT, include credit functionality, and to be mobile responsively designed.
      • Updated product detail share link URLs to include metadata for preview images, to ensure the preview image is displayed consistently when sharing.
      • Enhanced cart to refer to initially loaded language when refreshing the shopping cart, to prevent spontaneous language changes on page refresh.
      • Added support for Korea specific address layout on checkout 1.5
      • Updated Shopping Cart login functionality to redirect user to correct page after sign-in, to prevent automatic landing at checkout.
      • Enhanced address page in checkout to properly validate a required phone when X2_SHOPCART_SHIPPING_PHONE_REQD setting is enabled.
      • Enhanced Shopping Cart search functionality by adding validations on search bar and category page to ensure accurate and consistent results. Updated the categories to ensure the correct items display every time.
      • Enhanced order complete confirmation page to prevent duplicate header from displaying when Premium Cart Branding is also in use.
      • Updated the error shown for Credit card processing to show the true error and not a generic message in the shopping cart.
      • Enhanced RepPublicInfo API that was failing due to an undefined repDID, to prevent an “invalid id” response when clicking on a shopping cart item.
      • Enhanced the Shopping Cart Country Selection modal to not close if clicking outside it or hitting the escape key,  preventing error where user is unable to access the cart.
      • Updated Shopping Cart functionality to consistently use the default locale instead of English on first load of cart.
      • Enhanced Shopping Cart when a Customer switches to shop with a different Rep, to ensure RankTypeID (and thus, accurate pricing) is updated.
      • Enhanced Shopping Cart to reduce the number of times the LocalID is triggered, to prevent multiple errors being displayied.
      • Updated Inventory Collection Terms & Conditions to include a default translation value for the content that appears next to the checkbox during shopping cart checkout.
      • Enhanced Customer Referral functionality to ensure that the designated Customer is put under the correct Rep consistently.
      • Enhanced Shopping Cart to ensure consistency in how VAT taxes are displayed for European Customers/Reps.
      • Updated address verification UI to ensure Canadian address is saved when used on mobile.
      • Enhanced Autoship to ensure online orders handle credit card payments accurately and consistently.
      • Enhanced Shopping Cart to determines if VAT taxes were used during calculation, to display or not based on order totals instead of just relying in country configuration




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