June Release is on 06/20/2018

  • Developed two new Auto Responders to notify Revolution Pro users when Customers that attempted to place order in Cart terminated the process. This will provide the opportunity to the Revolution Pro user to coach, answer any questions and assist their Customers placing orders.
  • New RESTful APIs were added to allow creating, retrieving, editing inventory and related warehouse counts and price rows.
  • Implemented Order Information page in the corporate Back Office in the new Service-oriented architecture.
  • Enhanced the party validation on the cart so that closed parties are automatically disassociated from the customer’s cart.
  • Added new data types as available options for custom reports based off of the compensation engine.
  • Created a new setting to control visibility of orders on Customer My Account page based on order status. This will allow hiding orders in entered status from customers visibility.
  • Created a new setting and configuration to enable/disable a verification step by bonus payout method.
  • Added Inventory Relationship groups to the Inventory Import tool
  • Create an Auto Responder to notify when Credit is soon to expire.
  • Added three additional widgets to the Inventory Dashboard for Low/At Risk Items, Recently Modified Categories and Recently Modified Collections.
  • Enhanced Party Reward configurations to allow Tax, Compare and Shipping multipliers to have more flexibility. This will allow for charging shipping and tax on rewards that exceed the credit reward applied.
  • Integrated Freedom with PayU as a real-time Credit Card processor.
  • Enhanced revolution responsive resource page navigation by allowing content to wrap therefore ensuring no additional horizontal scroll bar is needed.
  • The Revolution Customer reports capabilities were expanded by adding functionality from the Classic Personal and Customer reports and added new features (e.g., Search Filters, Search Ranges, Action Items, Results Features, Exporting, etc.) to assist Revolution Pro users in the management of their Customer base.
  • The Revolution Dashboard and related reports were updated with optimized code. As a result, the Revolution performance was improved and increased.
  • Enhanced the party module to display a popup promoting the rep to close the party when adding a payment to the reward host order. When a party is closed, all orders without any payments will be updated from Entered status to Void status.
  • Created a new Web API to return volume for Reps. New method supports Reps with multiple business centers.
  • Enhanced the process when creating AutoShip orders from profiles to appropriately add the phone number to both the billing and shipping information when configured to do so.
  • BackOffice Autoship Date format was updated to work with company culture.
  • Modified the Revolution Responsive Calendar to an international format, preventing potential date display issues.
  • Corrected an issue during enrollment when using a zip codes with multiple cities.
  • Adjusted Shopping Cart Race Conditions to Quick Add functionality
  • Enhanced Currency Conversion Rates page to sort by “Currency Type To” and “Area Type” as default.
  • Enhanced the Shopping Cart 2.0 Customer Password Reset page to display when redirected from the Password Reset Auto Responder.
  • Performance improvements were made to the calculation speeds of the Extended Taxation subsystem.
  • Updated the 24 hour day view of the Revolution calendar to show morning hours prior to 8 am.
  • Optimized Terms and Policy Agreement Form Styling for Cart 2.0 Checkout and Enrollment pages
  • Optimized Order Information page Shipped Date formatting in backend.
  • Updated the shopping cart to only re-validate party close times in applicable areas during the login process
  • Updated the ability to sign up a Rep from the “Available” link boxes in the Graphical Genealogy.
  • Improved Extranet Autoship Product Edit page to validate products with special characters.
  • Updated cart to only show “Additional Discount” and “Discount Sub Total” lines on the checkout page if a discount has been applied.

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