Leveraging the New Compensation Plan Reports

You spoke, we listened and delivered! Our Revolution Pro features are now more powerful, convenient and easily provides the necessary information for your field to be successful.

Multiple bonus reports can be shown as a widget on the Dashboard

The Rank Progress widget shows the qualifications for the next rank and lets a representative know what they have achieved towards the next rank and how close they are to the achieving the next rank.

The current rank is displayed as widgets to help a representative easily view and maintain the rank. In the example shown the rank displayed is Elite as that is the current rank of the representative. These are dynamic and as soon as the next rank is achieved, the representative will be able to see the qualifications for that rank. These are also drillable to provide further information if necessary.

In addition, we added a bonus report that shows the current month’s running total commissions!

Commissions tab with additional options

Allows for multiple views (Self/Personally Sponsored/Downline/Group) so that a representative can view the report in the way that is most useful to them.

Added Genealogy level and linkage indication.

There are now other reports that can show on the Contact Cards.  In this example the Rank Qualification reports are configured to only show the applicable reports for the representative’s current and next rank.

All these configurations are flexible and can be tailored to your business needs! Contact Client Support today for configuration of these new features and to assist with any additional questions.

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