November Release is the Week of 11/12/18

  • Replaced existing Rep “Password Email” on Cart 2.0 & Revolution with a more standard “Password Reset Process”, which includes two new Auto Responders Templates (Password Reset & Reset Confirmation).
  • Enhanced Pack Slip Batch Out (Select) page in Back Office Shipping Department to include a new filter criteria call “Limit Selected Items” for batch out selection, enabling batching out orders with only specific items in them.
  • Created new AutoResponder Template to enable notifications when Gift Certificates are soon to expire.
  • Updated WorldPay Credit Card payment processors to prevent payment retries when R1 or R3 declined codes are received as payment result on Real-Time CC Payment Process.
  • Created a new setting to determine if Date of Birth is a required field when creating a new customer on Cart 2.0.
  • Enhanced Rep Enrollment to enable displaying of different volume columns for both AutoShip and Additional Product Options.
  • Improved the Commissions reporting in Revolution to properly display data for Projected bonus runs when two unofficial runs exist.
  • Updated the Bonus Configuration Compare tool to also analyze Advanced Composite Processors
  • Improved the Customer AutoShip Edit page in the Freedom Back Office to properly update Ship Method choices when the state is changed in the profile.
  • Enhanced Cart 2.0 Promotion Evaluation process to be currency aware for promotional price display.
  • Improved the Create AutoShip process to bring the pages back to the top of the screen they are clicked through.
  • Enhanced the Party Summary page in Revolution to stay on the selected tab when navigating through items within that tab.
  • Enhanced Revolution Volume Totals by Rep to sort properly while accessing via mobile app.
  • Enhanced the Shipping Territory Edit Page State field from a text field to a drop down.
  • Created additional translation keys to enable translation of the “share” button in the Cart 2.0.
  • Optimized Freedom Data Warehouse (FDW) replication for faster synchronization during peak loads.
  • Enhanced messaging when accessing Cart 2.0 with an invalid RepDID.
  • Improved the interop between Party and Cart 2.0 to more effectively redirect to Cart 2.0 when “Start Shopping Cart Order” is selected from within Party.
  • Enhanced OnlineAPI UpdateBillingAddress to update DateLastModified and LastModifiedBy to enhance ability to research updates.
  • Enhanced Cart 2.0 Share to Facebook functionality to strip HTML tags from descriptions in order to show properly on Facebook.
  • Enhanced Revolution Order History to display the AutoShip indicator in the same way as the Freedom Back Office to ensure consistency.
  • Enhanced Freedom Back Office Tax Research interface to retrieve values directly from the Order versus attempting to recalculate in order to prevent possible rounding issues on the display.

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