Ramp Up Recruiting with 3 Tips

Capture and Keep their attention with a Custom Header/Footer

This add-on service brings the design of your Marketing site into your shopping cart. Replace the default header and footer design with your own, providing a seamless experience for those coming to shop from the Marketing site and persistent calls to action to Join, Learn More, etc.

Offer the chance to sign-up with every purchase with Enrollment while Browsing

New to your shopping cart with this month’s release is the ability to upsell/recruit during checkout. This optional feature, available at no additional cost, provides the opportunity to share business opportunity and/or loyalty program information to every customer purchasing from your site.

Ensure every Recruit gets off to a great start with Automated Welcome + Sponsor Communication

After enrollment, welcome your new Recruit and ensure their Sponsor is involved from Day 1. Journey Based Onboarding, a part of our automated alerts tool for Pro users, allows for consistent communication and training to every new team member and Sponsor.

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