March Support Corner

Welcome to our new Support Corner!

At ByDesign, we are always looking for ways to proactively answer your questions. Each month we will be including answers to the most frequently asked questions along with the questions we receive from launching new clients to ensure you are aware of how to get the most out of your Freedom solution.

Below are the latest additions to our How Do I Q&A section for this month!

  • Adjust or Correct 1099s – How to identify solutions for common corrections when processing 1099s.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > How Do I… > Accounting > Adjust or Correct 1099s
  • Delete a Bonus Run or Payout Process – Details what is needed to request a bonus deletion.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > How Do I… > Bonus/Commissions > Delete a Bonus Run or Payout Process
  • Latest PCI Compliance Certification – Do you need an updated version of our PCI Compliance? The PDF of the Certificate of Compliance can be found here!
    • Go to: System Wide Help > How Do I… > ByDesign > Latest PCI Compliance Certification
  • PackSlip File Formats – When shipping products, there are multiple file formats available for specific purposes within your warehouse or fulfillment center. This article details the intended usage of each available file format.
    • Go to:  System Wide Help > How Do I… > Shipping > PackSlip File Formats
  • Troubleshoot Replicated Sites – Are your reps having issues with their replicated sites? This article provides an array of details for common issues and solutions for your replicated site.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > How Do I… > Reps > Troubleshoot Replicated Sites
  • Update AutoResponder Email Account Settings – Have you recently updated your email account? This may cause errors with your AutoResponders. This article shows the important information we need to update your Email Account settings.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > How Do I… > Administration > Update AutoResponder Email Account Settings

Below are the latest additions to our How Do I videos section!

  • Create and Update User Roles Does everyone in the department need the same user rights? Learn how to create User Roles to accomplish this task quickly!
    • Go to: System Wide Help > Training Video Archive > Administration > Create and Update User Roles
  • Reactivate User Account Did someone get locked out of Freedom? Learn how to activate their account through this video!
    • Go to: System Wide Help > Training Video Archive > Administration > Reactivate User Account
  • Update Terms and Policies – Do you need to change your terms and policies? This video shows you how to quickly update the “Terms and Conditions” appropriately.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > Training Video Archive > Administration > Update Terms and Policies
  • Ship a Single Order Occasionally, orders must be shipped outside of the normal batch process. This video will show you how to ship a single order.
    • Go to: System Wide Help > Training Video Archive > Orders > Ship a Single Order

If you would like to know more about your system or have any questions, please contact Client Support at 813-253-2235 or email We look forward to hearing from you!

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